Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day Three...and a Half---Laramie, Wyoming

Imagine this:

                You just performed for 350 people, just stuffed your face with amazing Italian food. All you really want is to just go to bed. You take a nice hot shower, put your PJs on and hop into the comfy bed of the Fairfield Marriott. You’re sleeping like a baby when all of a sudden around 3:30. . . .

                BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP

                You jump out of bed 5 feet in the air. At first you think it’s another alarm clock being a pain in the butt, but then you realize it’s not coming from the clock, it’s coming from the hallway. You run out the door, look down the hallway and see smoke. You start pounding on Mrs. Wooley’s door hoping that she’s awake. Your fight or flight instinct kicks in and you run to the bathroom to get wet towels to cover your nose and mouth. Abbie wakes up, is still in bed and asks, “What’s going on?” You yell, “there’s smoke in the hallway, get your shoes and phone, there’s smoke in the hallway, let’s go!!!” You hand Mrs. Wooley one of the wet towels and she tries to shove it under the door, you tell her it’s for her mouth and nose because we have to go through the smoke to get out! She then points out that you’re only 3 doors down from another staircase that is completely smoke free. You feel like a nerd. You run down the stairs and get outside. You’re the only ones there. What is this? Are you getting punked? Why is no one out here? Finally another couple from your floor arrives and the real fire alarms go off. The entire hotel is evacuating. You’re in shorts and a t-shirt and it’s FREEZING out! Luckily, Mrs. Wooley grabbed the keys so you’re able to sit in the van. You’re sitting in the van for about 15 minutes and there’s no fire truck in sight. You talk through the entire show and figure out how to do it without music because the computer was tragically left in the hotel room. Finally a single fire truck appears! Your saviors! (You’re all hoping that maybe Josh is a volunteer firefighter and will come to save you!). Over the next 10 minutes 4 more fire trucks come, the firefighters don’t appear to be in any sort of hurry. In fact they almost seem to be lolly-gagging. You venture out into the cold to get a good picture of the fire truck in front of the hotel because you know no one will believe you if you don’t. You over hear a delegate from the hotel population telling people that there is no fire, someone just used a fire extinguisher. (He isn’t a firefighter, but he seems like a trustworthy citizen), so you run back to the van to let everyone know. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, but still isn’t sure how a fire extinguisher could cause such pandemonium. Finally around 4:45 the firefighters let people back into the hotel. You go up to one and thank him, he goes on to say that only first and second floors are cleared so you have to go wait in the lobby. Finally when it’s okay for you to go back upstairs you and the couple you ran into earlier didn’t bother with the elevator, make it upstairs and back into your rooms in no time. You go soak your feet in a hot bath for a little bit to warm up, and then fall fast asleep.

You imagined that whole story. We lived it. 

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